Registration Information

Placement Method:
Placement for campers is first-come, first-served through GSCNC’s online registration system.  Teen aides may apply through Dec. 10 (see Dates & Deadlines)                                                            
All related registration paperwork must be completed and submitted prior to June 1, or your place at camp may be forfeit.  We will send out the link to the online health form as soon as GSCNC provides it to us. 


On February 18, 2025, Camp Tag-A-Long GENERAL REGISTRATION for campers opens at 10:00 am online through GSCNC’s Doubleknot site:

You can create a new Doubleknot account here:  All fees due at the time of registration.

FEES (Current 2024-2025 Grade Level)

  • Girl Scouts Grades K-4:  $130
  • Girl Scouts Grade 5: $150 (rising 6th graders go flat-water tubing)
  • Full-Time Volunteers receive a 50% discount on registration fees or Girl Scouts in grades K-5.
  • Aides:  $25
  • Pixies (Preschoolers)/Infants/Toddlers:  $10
  • Rangers (Boys) in Grades K-5:  $60

If you are interested in volunteering full-time for Camp Tag-A-Long, please contact Natalie at  Please see the Volunteers & Aides page for more information.

All girls in grades K-12 and all adult volunteers must also be registered Girl Scouts or Girl Scout Adults for insurance purposes.  This is a annual fee of $25 and must be paid online only, through GSCNC, prior to applying for camp.

Financial Assistance

Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital strives to make camp available to all girls regardless of economic situation. Financial aid is available for one day or evening camp per camper per summer.

Click here to complete the financial assistance application (opens 2/1/25).

Applications must be submitted at least 10 business days prior to registering for camp. Financial aid applications are reviewed on a rolling basis every 10 business days. You will receive an email only after the request is reviewed and approved. The email will contain a code to use when registering for camp.

If you have more than one camper, please complete a separate application for each child.

All application information is confidential. Questions? Contact

I am a Girl Scout Leader. Is my daughter eligible for priority placement?

Although we appreciate and commend your dedication as a Girl Scout Leader, your daughter does not receive priority placement at camp. Priority placement is our way to say thank you to our Camp Tag-A-Long adult volunteers and camp aides for generously giving their time, energy and creativity to our program before, during and after the camp week.

Why do you give priority placement to the daughters of the volunteers and siblings of camp aides?

Most GSCNC’s day camps are volunteer run. Without the volunteers and camp aides, camp does not happen. As a bonus for our adult volunteers and camp aides, their campers and siblings receive priority placement in slots first and then any remaining slots go to campers during their registration in February.

My daughter can only attend the camp for a couple of days during the week. Is that a problem?

Yes! Please do not register your daughter for camp if she cannot attend the full week. Every year hundreds of girls do not get into day camps because the demand for camp greatly exceeds the capacity. Units often build on skills during the week, or work on projects over several days. If your daughter misses a day, it may very well mean that she does not complete a badge.  She may sit in crafts with nothing to paint, because the pots were made on a day she could not attend. Handed out during camp are shirts, patches and other important documents. If your daughter is not in attendance that day, it creates a tremendous administrative burden on the volunteer staff to keep track of which girl has received which item. If your daughter cannot attend the entire one-week program, please be considerate of others. Withdraw her and allow one of the girls on the waiting list to participate.

My daughter has acceptance into more than one GSCNC day camp. What should we do?

If your daughter is accepted into more than one camp (with a wait list – not all camps fill up), the honorable thing to do would be to choose one camp to attend and withdraw from the others. This ensures another girl can enjoy the Girl Scout experience during the summer. Please make your decision promptly and carefully review each camp’s withdrawal procedures.

Something has come up — how do I withdraw my daughter? 

To withdraw your daughter, please email us — we do not accept telephone withdrawals.  If your camper withdraws before July 1, we can possibly offer your daughter’s place to another camper. Please keep in mind that we begin purchasing supplies for camp in April and the camp is completely self-supporting. Withdrawals before the cutoff date, June 1 (see Dates & Deadlines), will receive a full refund.

During registration, it asks if I give permission for my daughter’s photograph to be used to promote Girl Scouting. Where could her picture end up? 

At Camp Tag-A-Long, we take two different types of photos. The first is a “unit picture.”  A unit picture is a group photo taken during camp. Each girl receives a copy of this as a souvenir. The other photos are candid photos taken throughout the week. Occasionally, GSCNC will use a photo on a website or in a camp brochure, etc.  Your daughter’s name would NOT appear in these promotional materials — only her photo.  If you do not give your permission, when we are taking candid photos we will ask your daughter to step aside so that she is not accidentally included in one of these pictures.

Camp Buddy

If your daughter would like to be in the same unit as a friend of the same grade, you can tell us in the camper information form that we send out in March or April. If your buddy request changes, email us at no later than April 15. We do our best to accommodate all buddy requests, but they cannot be guaranteed. Also, entire troops are not placed together as a unit.

If my daughter does not make it into Camp Tag-A-Long this year, does she get preference next year?
